it has been decided, just the other night, that santa will be making a stop at our house to deliver a present for molly. she's been up in the air about this all season, and i really didn't think she was going to buy into the santa stuff. she said santa was real at the library because he brings her books but he did not come to our house and he did not fly through the air with reindeer. molly's very realistic so i wasn't surprised when she didn't believe at first. matt and i decided to let her decided whether she believed or didn't. we weren't going to push it either way.
the other night we were watching a christmas movie on tv and santa was in a house delivering presents. i asked her if santa was going to come to our house and she quickly replied, no. then changed her mind almost immediately and said she wanted santa to come and bring her a cinderella dress and glass slippers. so, that's what he's bringing - assuming my ebay order gets here on time. if it doesn't, i'm not sure what we're going to do....
this morning at breakfast she was talking about leaving milk and cookies for santa as well. i think she'll be excited to see a present marked "from santa" under the tree.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
good bye baby food
sophie is not a big fan of baby food and would much rather have big girl food. so tonight, she had a complete meal - some meatball (minus the onion), sweet potatoes, banana, and bread. i think this is the longest she's lasted in her high chair without crying.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
it's beginning to look a lot like christmas!
i love christmas! it's my absolute favorite holiday and this year i was more anxious then ever for thanksgiving to be over. i refuse to decorate until after thanksgiving or listen to christmas music until thanksgiving night. call me weird, i know, but that's how i am. anyway, this year the reason i was so anxious was because of this....

it's the fisher price little people nativity set. the nativity was molly's favorite christmas decoration last year and i wanted her to have it last year. i didn't get it. but this year, matt didn't hesitate and told me to go ahead and buy it! i love him! ;) he knows what makes me happy! molly and sophie are having fun playing with it.
saturday we went out to cut down the drake family christmas tree. this is one of my favorite parts of christmas. finding the perfect tree - and the weather was absolutely beautiful for tree picking!

it's the fisher price little people nativity set. the nativity was molly's favorite christmas decoration last year and i wanted her to have it last year. i didn't get it. but this year, matt didn't hesitate and told me to go ahead and buy it! i love him! ;) he knows what makes me happy! molly and sophie are having fun playing with it.
saturday we went out to cut down the drake family christmas tree. this is one of my favorite parts of christmas. finding the perfect tree - and the weather was absolutely beautiful for tree picking!
thanksgiving night my brother alex came over so he and matt could try and get some odd jobs blowing leaves out of peoples gutters (it didn't work - they had one customer!). molly thought alex was over for a sleepover and in a way he was because he had to sleep on the floor in her room so i could have the couch for all of sophie's middle-of-the-night feedings and wake-ups. when he got here, molly told him he didn't have pajamas on and he showed her he'd be sleeping in his shorts that were under his sweatpants. a few minutes later, molly came out of her room with a pair of sleep shorts on under her sweats! she's so cute! ;) about 10 or so we started setting up molly's room for the sleepover. molly insisted on sleeping on the floor with alex so we made a little bed up for her. 

she had so much fun and asked alex to come over and have a sleepover again!
molly would not go to bed that night - she said she had to wait for alex because dora and boots went to bed at the same time when they had their sleepover. so finally, about 10:50, i had alex go lay down and pretend to go to bed so molly would. she finally fell asleep a little after 11. she had alex rub her back and listen to a tape called bless my little girl.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
8 month monkey
sophie is 8 1/2 months old and so active and into everything. she can pull herself to a standing position using objects that are low to the ground or easy to grab. like this basket, well, she's belly surfing right now, but look down a bit, she's standing.

that's my crazy girl who's into everything and cannot be left alone! oh, and on a side note, she likes baby food meat. yuck! what baby likes that stuff?
Friday, November 5, 2010
how do you tip a trashman?
i'm being serious on this question! our trashmen are the best! they've saved us numerous times from keeping our trash a few days longer or now, a week longer when we're just a bit late getting it out. today was recycling day and we got up too late last week to put it out. we almost missed it again today. i opened the door to peek down the street to see if any neighbors still had there bins out and they were stopped just a few doors down. quickly i ran to get our bin (which was overflowing) and as i was opening the door and stepping outside, they were driving past. out trashmen have great eyes though and saw me coming. they stopped the truck a little past our house and met me in the yard. then a gust of wind came by and blew paper from the bin around the yard. they helped pick it up! so how does one properly thank a trashman? saying thank you for rescuing me time and time again just doesn't seem like enough. and it's not as if i can't promise them stinkless trash on tuesdays!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
cupcake of the month -october
this is really old but i finally uploaded pictures. molly and i made halloween black cat cupcakes to take to the library halloween party.

Monday, November 1, 2010
bath time got a bit easier!
now that sophie sits up really well, molly and sophie take their baths together. it really helps out a lot and it's so nice not to have to fill up the baby bathtub after giving molly a bath.
Monday, October 25, 2010
going green
our trash service recently stopped picking up trash two days a week. now, however, it's picking up trash one day and recycling the other. they 're really encouraging people to recycle and have provided recycling bins. i was very excited about this when we got the letter in the mail. i know, i'm a bit lame and it doesn't take much to excite me but i've really never been a recycler. i recycled paper every so often at school but not consistently. the recycle bins were just down the street from us too but now, they come to me!
i challenge myself to see how little trash we have each week. i recycle just about everything i can. i will admit, it's a pain - rinsing everything that i used to just toss. but, a little extra work to help control the landfill population isn't so bad! here's our first week of loot!
if you know molly, you know where this is going....
a couple weeks ago sophie fell asleep with molly's blanket
now look down....i bet some of you can guess where this is heading!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
first haircuts
molly and sophie both recently had their first haircuts. sophie was growing quite the mullet and so that had to go. i did it myself - it wasn't the easiest thing to do either because she kept wanting to look at the scissors. molly went to the salon and had hers done by the same girl that cuts our hair, emmy. she did great!

the mullet!
her hair really is pretty straight but doesn't look it from the picture!
curly locks
she looks so much older!
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