sophie is completely done nursing. :) :( she weaned herself, which was great, however, i wasn't quite prepared to stop. so i have had mixed feelings. she wasn't really getting much, it was more of a comfort thing for her, but still a special bond that only she and i had. i thought it'd be a gradual process that might be a bit of a struggle, but it was quick, easy, and painless. for that, i'm thankful. sophie lets me hold her, stroke her hair and sing to her to get to sleep and when she wakes in the middle of the night (yes, she still does) she generally goes right back to sleep when i hold her.
she's started on cows milk and is doing okay drinking it. it's not her favorite, but each day gets a little better. she's just getting so big. hard to believe she'll be a one year in a month!

I so clearly remember the last time I nursed my baby and how emotional it was! It really is an amazing bond and I'm so glad you and Sophie got to experience it!