i've started doing some formal "school" with molly. until this time, her learning of letters, numbers, and such has been through play, books, or t.v.. i really haven't sat down and truly taught her anything. however, she's really showing an interest in preschool and is determined to go next year (i need to start visiting the ones in town and make a decision) so i thought i'd give her a head start. i'm always looking at different blogs and websites with activities to do and finally found a curriculum (for free) that i like, a lot. You can check it out here:
http://www.1plus1plus1equals1.com/RaisingRockStarsPreschool.html. I've added a few other things in addition to this from various sights. the internet is a great thing!
we started with the letter L, the number 1, and the sight word, see. molly already knew the letter L and number 1, however, now knows the sound L makes and really does recognize the sight word see and can pick it out in other books. She's reading a little easy book called I See with pictures of the "L" words to help out. i'm not paitent enough to wait any longer for this video to load so if you want to see it, check it out on my facebook page.
In addition to reading, we've been practicing writing L's on lined paper.

We also made a cute ladybug thumbprint craft.

So cute. And does Molly use her left hand quite a bit? I don't know if I've ever noticed that before.