Sunday, December 25, 2011

my sweet, sweet molly

the girls and i went to visit lucy and tell her merry chirstmas this afternoon. on the drive over molly was discussing what we should do next to decorate lucy's grave. she loves to plan ideas....easter was the next holiday she was thinking about. while we were at the cemetery she wanted to walk around and see how other parents had decorated their child's grave. we saw several with a christmas tree inserted into the vase and decided next year lucy would have her own tree with little ornaments.

tonight we were reading the christmas story and discussing the true meaning of christmas one last time. i love that molly understands the reason we celebrate christmas and give gifts is in rememberance of our Heavenly Father's great gift for us, His Son, Jesus. we talked about how God sent Jesus to be born in a manger and that He came to die on the cross for our sins and rise again on the 3rd day. in order to receive His free gift of salvation, all we have to do is ask Jesus to come into our hearts and save us from our sins. when we do this, and believe in Christ, we are saved, always. after this conversation molly looked at me with all seriousness and asked how lucy could go to heaven since she died in my tummy and didn't do this. i love her concern for her sister. i explained to her that Jesus lets little children who do not understand what it means to be saved or who die before they are born to go to heaven. He does, was her response. i quickly answered, yes, and she was so reassured that her sister was indeed living in heaven with Jesus.

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