Friday, May 25, 2012


it's been a little while so here's a quick update on what we've been doing.

cloud dough: mix 8 cups of flour with 1 cup of baby oil and enjoy. (i doubled the recipe) thanks pinterest for the idea!

 it's messy...well, at least when my girls play with it. but it does clean up nicely. so much better to play with outside on the deck.

 sidewalk chalk paint: mix 1/2 c. cornstarch with 1/2 c. water add food coloring. paint on driveway. so much fun!!! again, messy so we wear paint clothes! (also a pinterest thing!)

 mother's day: molly's preschool class put on a little program and tea for all the moms. she made this cute little gift and had so much fun visiting with me during the tea.
 love my girl!

last day of preschool: molly's preschool celebrated their last day at the park. here's a pictures with her teacher, mrs. franklin. she was wonderful!

playing in the rain: we haven't had much rain so the girls enjoyed getting out their umbrellas and getting wet!

graduation: my little brother, alex, graduated from high school last saturday. he's off to emporia state in august to study secondary education with an emphasis in history. molly's not too sure about this college thing and uncle alex being gone. 

kansas city zoo: today we took the girls to the zoo. we watched an animal show and at the end the girls were able to give the macaw a dollar to put in his mailbox to help save his friends. 

while at the zoo we also rode the sky tram. that was fun! we had a great view of the giraffes and zebras and their cute little babies. it's been a fun month!

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