Saturday, February 16, 2013

You mean bakery

I know i have bigger and more important things to blog about right now but that requires a bit more time and pictures to be uploaded on the computer. i tried out a new simple and healthy pancake recipe that I found on Pinterest tonight. Super simple - 2 ripe mashed bananas, 4 eggs, dash of cinnamon (or more if you are like me), 2 tsp of vanilla. Mix together and pour on lightly greased griddle or skillet. It doesn't make much - six 1/3 cup pancakes. We had had thawed blueberries slightly mashed poured over them. Sophie helped make them. she mashed bananas and mixed everything together. Anytime Molly or I said her name she would reply, "you mean bakery". We then had to refer to her as "bakery" and then repeat whatever we were saying. She makes me laugh. I'm really bad about taking a picture of my food so here is a picture of the second serving I had, thus the poor presentation.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! "Bakery"--so cute! I love all the funny things kids say and am so happy the times I manage to record them. I love all the role-taking little kids do.
