three years old is that magical age. the age where you can do so much because you're finally old enough. at three, sophie was able to start going to sunday school and junior church. she was so excited to be out of the nursery at church. she played soccer for the first time this spring and will start gymnastics in just a few weeks. three also means she is tall enough for all the kid rides at silver dollar city. she's been waiting to ride the roller coaster for so long. this fall, she'll have a blast!
sophie is all about minnie mouse and that's how we partied...minnie style. on her actual birthday she had minnie cupcakes (iced pink with white dots) and opened up her gifts from us.
we had our family over for a combined bday party with molly.
sophie's minnie cake
minnie slippers!
turning three also meant getting to have a friend bday party. sophie and her friends decorated minnie bows
played pin the bow on minnie
and just had a fun time!
here is sophie's 3 year old interview:
favorite color - pink
favorite animal - lion
favorite toy - minnie
favorite food - cupcakes
favorite thing to do outside - play on the swing set
favorite song - Jesus loves me
favorite book - minnie
favorite t.v. show - minnie
favorite movie - cars
favorite fruit - strawberries
favorite thing to do with mommy - do preschool stuff
favorite thing to do with daddy - go on a bike ride
favorite Bible story - God on a boat
favorite restaurant - chinese
favorite sport - basketball
best friend - kate
what she wants to be when she grows up - a mommy
i just love this spunky little girl. she always makes us laugh and comes up with the cutest sayings. she definitely ornery but has a super sweet personality and is so caring and loving. she's still a cuddler and always wants to please. i love you soph!
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