Monday, December 1, 2014

Sneak is back!

The girls have been so anxious for Sneak the elf to return. Molly remembered he's always arrived on December 1st and was up at 6:15 searching for him. She woke Sophie up in the process. I came downstairs to find them writing a plan to search for him since they couldn't find him.

You see, Sneak forgot where he was going and showed up at grandpa and grandmas house. He was sitting in grandpa's chair. I casually checked my email shortly after getting up and showed the girls this picture. They found it hilarious! 
Then, while they were at gymnastics tonight Sneak arrived and perched himself in our tree with his new friend, Glivert. Glivert was purchased at silver dollar city by my parents as our family ornament for the year. Sophie named him. 

The girls didn't see him in the tree until I said, I he's here, in the living room. It didn't take long then. They jumped up and down with excitement and miles kept exclaiming, "sneak". 

Welcome home, Sneak!

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