matt loves gardening and is sharing his love of it with molly. she had fun last year helping and this year, i think, will be better. they put the peas in the ground today. we bought molly a pair of rain boots to use in the garden so she didn't ruin her shoes. she was so excited to wear them today! here's a picture of her ready to go out.

molly's favorite part about today's gardening experience was actually putting the seeds in the ground. she's obsessed with trains and anything that is in a row/line is a train. so, therefore, as they were dropping the seeds in, molly thought they were making a train. she made sure to add smoke at the top of the train and coal towards the back. she even added a few wheels on the side!

see all the green already??
matt built a greenhouse and planted peas this winter. they survived! we should have peas soon!!
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