Tuesday, January 24, 2012

slightly stubborn????

really, i have no idea where sophie would get her stubbornness from....matt?? yeah, that sounds good. (whisper "i'm lying!") but she is one stubborn little girl. today, she left her blanket in our computer room and realized it a while later while up in the living room. she began crying for it, wanting me to go get it. molly hasn't been feeling well so i was cuddling with her (a rare thing since sophie doesn't usually like to share my lap). i told sophie to go down and get it. she refused and continued her crying spell. battle: mom vs. sophie. i didn't cave, but molly did. she's such a sweet girl and loves to help. molly went and got sophie's blanket and handed it to her. this was not at all what sophie wanted mind you. she wanted me to get it. so, she threw it on the floor and continued her screaming. i'm totally ignoring all this because, well, i'm not giving in to her fit. stubborn? yes, (remember she gets it from matt!) but also teaching a lesson. a little while later matt calls me down to look at a humidifier on the internet (we purchased two today). sophie followed (with her blanket) and dropped it down on the floor in the computer room and began crying for me to pick it up again. this time, i'm laughing. the girl will not give up. (**note the cats in the background - it surprised me they stayed throughout the fit because they generally run at her crying)
finally she does, and collapses, thumb in mouth, onto the blanket. and the crying ceases. i gave up, too. when matt and i were finished on the computer, i scooped her up and carried her up the stairs. stubborn or not, i love my little mouse.

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