ma ma, mommy
na na or nanny (da da or daddy) she refuses to say daddy
nolly (molly - she said this for the first time tonight! usually molly was na na also)
dah do (domino)
fraw (frog)
cook coo (cookie)
bye (hi and bye were added this week also)
dank oo (thank you)
baka ball (basketball - yes, i'm very pleased she knows this word!)
ffff (giraffe, fish)
col (colt)
ha-ee (hadleigh)
pa pa (grandpa)
grandma (she doesn't actually say grandma, but i can't remember the actual sounds to type)
two (she's very aware that she'll be two on her birthday)
uh too (me too)
bock bock (jayhawk)
keee (kitty)
sh (shoe)
take (kate)
je je (blanket)
d-d (dora
la la (barney, elmo, pooh)
moo (cow)
aaa (baa, sheep)
ruff (dog)
grrr (bear)
rawww (dinosaur)
quack quack (duck)
gobble gobble (turkey)
ah ah (monkey)
bock bock (chicken)
boom (car, she's trying to say vroom but comes out boom or broo)
mmmm (eat, food)
cool (school)
choo choo
eees (please)
apple (not sure the exact sound for this either)
na na (banana)
i'm sure i'm missing words....i'll have to update when i think of more
she also knows almost all her colors but doesn't say them. she says the animal or animal sound instead. sophie learned her colors from reading brown bear brown bear. so if we point to something green and say what color is this, she'll reply back with frog. it works for now! she's always had her own little language. she doesn't say charlie but moves her teeth up and down. for a horse, she makes the motion of riding a horse (this i also used for the color blue). to say alex, she flicks her tongue (who knows why). for anna, she touches her hair because anna always curls her hair when we visit. for ice, she simply takes her glass and the points her finger down and shakes it up and down signaling she wants ice in her cup. she clicks her tongue for a mouse, cake, or icecream). she stretches her arms out and makes the sound of an airplane flying when she sees or hears one.
she's a smart girl and can remember just about anything and pick up on conversations. here's a for instance: several days ago, molly and i were having a conversation in the van about holding domino on our laps and why he doesn't let molly or sophie hold him. when we got home, sophie sat down and pointed to her lap and started saying domino. we didn't engage her in the converstation in the van but she listened and understood everything we were saying.
my spunky little girl will be 2 in 16 days! crazy!!!!