Tuesday, February 21, 2012

happy pancake day!

today was international pancake day (or national, i'm not sure which one. whatever it is not will take place in a few days) so we celebrated by making pancakes for dinner and playing with pancakes after.

 sophie loves to help cook

 and make a huge mess....

adding raspberries and blackberries to the pancakes.

 ready to cook!


 trying to flip the pancake like they do in the pancake race

using the spatula to flip

sophie absolutely loved this!

molly didn't want to participate because of her accident earlier today. notice her toe...i'm not sure how bad the bruise really is because of the polish and the fact that i'm not allowed to touch it. she dropped the jar of peanut butter on her toe before lunch. it's been a very dramatic day (she's still up with throbbing pain - so she says). i'm sure it really does hurt. just wish she could get some sleep to forget about it.

this is how she watched sophie play with the pancake. perhaps we'll try again in a few days on the next pancake day!

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