one of the big highlights of turning two, which she experienced about three weeks prior, was getting to eat two vitamins instead of one in the morning. it's been quite the issue once she figured out what the number two meant and saw molly, and mommy and daddy eating two. so, we gave in a little early and let her have two. she was thrilled and still gets excited that she gets two! hopefully she won't expect three next year!
sophie brings so much joy to our lives. if you're in a bad mood, sophie's bound to cheer you up with her latest fashion statement, laugh, or just being silly. she's still a cuddler and loves to be held and snuggled with - so much that she still wakes up at night, comes into bed with me, and falls right asleep. sometimes i wish she'd sleep in her bed through the night, but i'm not going to lie, i like snuggling with her!
sophie is obsessed with frogs (hence the frog party), likes the color green (although pink is a close second), and enjoys anything sweet. she still is a pretty good eater but has become a bit pickier with age. playing with her baby, cooking in her kitchen, building (well, mainly crashing) towers, and pretend play with molly are some of her favorite things to do. she rarely can go anywhere without her baby (oh, and her blanket - she's still highly attached to that), and puts her baby to bed at night, complete with a blanket and a kiss.
sophie loves to be outside and now comments every night when it gets dark, "dark" "side". to which i respond, it's dark, we can't play outside. sophie: "no". visits to the park get a big "yay" and a clap. she loves to swing and slide and climb up all the dangerous things that she's not really big enough for! she's terribly afraid of bugs. just tonight, a fly landed on her stroller while we were walking and she started screaming. you would have thought it was a giant spider, nope, just a fly. i hope she gets over that soon or it's going to be a long summer!
she takes great interest in books and tv shows. it amazes me how much she pickes up and remembers. i read molly short chapter books about fairies and she picks up on what's going on at times. curious george, spot, and biscuit are some of her favorites along with the book about frogs she got from great grandma at christmas time. we still read that several times a week! she enjoys watching barney, elmo, curious george, dora, and winnie the pooh.
take your seat is another game sophie likes to play. she does this with matt and grandpa most often. as soon as they're up, sophie's in their spot giggling, waiting to see what their reaction will be. she's full of life and excitement and i love that it radiates through our lives! i am so blessed to have sophie in our life and i look forward to watching her grow and learn!
Sophie really is a little balls of giggles and fun! I love the fact that our daughters get to play with eachother now. Kara gets excited when I tell her she is going to see Sophie and Molly.