i like the t-bones games because everyone just goes to have fun. there's no booing if they totally blow it or if there is a disagreement with the officiating. don't get me wrong, i love competition and all the rivalry and the way fans get into the games but sometimes it's nice to just watch a fun game.
not to mention, these two sillies don't exactly sit still and like to move around. the fact that their weren't many fans there made that possible. we had half a row to ourselves and we weren't up high so moving around was very permissible.
they got so excited whenever sizzle, the bull, came out on the field and wanted to see him. he finally came to our side so we high-tailed it up the steps to try and meet him. once we got close, sophie was terrified. clinging to my leg and hiding behind it terrified. molly, loved every minute and he stopped to take a picture with her.
we had some play time on the swing set during the sixth and seventh innings and were fortunate that the nice man checking bags and purses allowed us to bring in our snacks and water. i assumed it was like the royals game and they allowed you to bring food and drinks in.
the t-bones end their home games for the season on sunday so i'm glad we made it. it was the absolute one thing i wanted to do with the girls this summer. check it off my summer bucket list!