Tuesday, August 14, 2012

our morning at the weston red barn

this morning the girls and i went with some friends to the red barn in weston, mo. we had been once before around halloween last year to see the animals and look at pumpkins but this trip was even better! we saw chickens, geese, turkeys, and goats. the nice lady working there showed all the kids how to feed the geese and chickens grass so they wouldn't accidentally try to eat their fingers!  
molly was successful in feeding the geese however, they became more interested in a stroller that one of the moms had and left before sophie could try her hand at it.
here the girls are feeding the chickens. sophie continually called the chickens over, demanding they eat and tried forcing grass into their beaks! she wasn't so successful in the feeding department!

trying to lure the chicken with some grass.

here the nice worker is helping the girls feed the geese. sophie must not have had a long enough piece of grass because it nibbled her finger while trying to take the grass.
we picked apples after seeing the animals. this was so fun! i have never (that i remember at least) picked apples. the girls absolutely loved it. molly took care to look for holes and bad spots on the apples before picking.
i love that the apples were close to the ground so the girls could reach with out having to be picked up. sophie didn't take much care in the selection process; she just picked. she didn't do too bad though!

here sophie is moving on to a new tree.

there were so many apples and lots of trees to choose from!
tasting one of her apples. these girls are loving the apples. they've already each had three today! molly has big plans for me to make a pie as well.
55 apples! 10 pounds! we have a lot of apples! not too bad on price either. it came out to $1.80/lb. just a bit higher than the grocery store sells them right now. and it's more fun to eat them because we picked them. we'll definitely be visiting again for more apple picking this fall! 

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