the crazy hair is still there! i can't believe my little sophie is 3 months old. it seems like just yesterday she was born. time has gone by so quickly! sophie has changed so much and is turning into this little person! it continually amazes me how much i forget. things that molly did and the time frame - i don't remember. i never thought i'd forget stuff like i did, but in a way, it makes it extra fun for the next one - always a new and exciting development!
sophie is learning quickly - she's going to have to in order to keep up with big sister and fend for herself! she's a very active little girl and has been rolling over since memorial day. mainly her rolls are to the left side but she has once, maybe twice, made it over on the right. i'm thankful her rolling has slowed down and she has some time to play before flipping over. it makes things much more pleasant because once she's over, she's stuck!
she's becoming quite the little scooter too. yesterday this is where i found her! she started off laying on the gym, under her toys. i wish i would have seen all this movement but i used her happy time to wash some dishes.
she also managed to scoot/crawl over the boppy pillow during tummy time! such a strong girl. check out her moves as she struggles to get over.
when sophie is happy she loves to be talked to and will grin endlessly at you and talk back. i love her little coos - such a sweet little voice! she enjoys playing with the toys on her gym as well as mr. monkey (one of molly's favorites) and her little love bug that molly gave her when she was born. she grasps the objects really well and will reach for them. of course, they go straight to her mouth!
speaking of mouths that's where her hands are most of the time. she's constantly gnawing on them. i fear she's going to cut teeth early or be a thumb sucker, and i don't want a thumb sucker. she doesn't want to really gnaw on anything else either. i've tried little teethers and you don't dare give her the pacifier because nothing comes out of it!
sophie's reflux is an ongoing battle. we've switched to prevacid which is supposed to block the acid in her stomach. i still can't tell if it's really working because she still cries A LOT! she does really well taking it which is nice because it's in pill form. occasionally she'll try to spit it out but most times she just lets it dissolve. rice cereal has also been added to her bottles when she doesn't nurse, which lately is most of the time. again, i'm not sure this is working either. her crying spells (and i mean for hours at a time) are usually every other day. in between are good days when she catches up on sleep from exhausting herself the day before. when these spells hit, i do wish to speed up the baby days so she will outgrow this and not feel so crummy.
despite sophie's reflux she's an absolute delight! she brightens our world. we love watching her grow and develop. she's still a cuddler, although more so while sleeping now. she still loves to be held while she sleeps and gets some of her best sleep that way. we're working toward a transition to the crib slowly, one day at a time we try. but for now, it's usually still the couch or her carseat. comfort is key - that's what i say! one of my favorite things about sophie is how she smiles at me once she wakes up in the morning. i'm almost alwasy greeted with a big grin (unless the hunger pains are too much!).
tis the end of this post because guess who's awake?!
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