the church across the street from us has been constructing this huge sign. this sign has been a big part of matt's and my life. why? because we were constantly wondering what they were going to do and how it was all going to turn out. at first it was a big mystery because it was kinda strange looking. made of a wood frame with the church's name on the front, an open back. we thought they might fill it with concrete. then their white sign was attached to it and finally a marquee thing was added to both sides. they covered the rest in white, now it's black minus the pink at the top. we're still not quite sure what the finished product will look like. matt made the comment that he doesn't know what we're going to do when it's finished because we talk about it so much. one afternoon we were entertained by the guy working on it. he brought his daughter and she looked bored out of her mind. at one point she was laying in the van with her head hanging out the sliding door! the best part about this sign, the time and temperature flash by! i know this is a boring post but hey, it's what's going on at the drake residence! 
This is why we are such good friends!! I did an entire post about guinea pigs. The sign is way more interesting!! :)