all in a much happened. for starters, i cut 5 inches off my hair. crazy? no, i was hot. this d0 is much cooler. my hair rests just above my shoulders. i'm excited to shampoo it tonight - oh the ease, i can feel it now! i then proceeded to make matt's dinner, a new chicken pot pie recipe. i love chicken pot pie and was really excited about this one. you make it in the skillet so there's no heating the house up with the oven. turns out it was a disaster. i should have doubled the cream of chicken soup and went a little easy on the biscuits. it was just a bit dry, okay, it was really dry. basically, i made biscuits with some pieces of chicken and some veggies. poor matt, he was a good sport about it and took it to work for dinner. i'm a little embarrassed though. my meals have been wonderful the past few weeks and now, well, i send him with this. oh well, lesson learned - not a good recipe choice , or if it is, i need to do a lot of tweaking. i cleaned the kitchen after matt left for work and then got busy playing on fb and checking email. molly woke up from her nap early and that's when i knew i was in for a long afternoon.
she did get her whale pool i wrote about yesterday - i'll write about that later. we went out to swim and as she was swimming the a/c kicked on and made this horrid noise. i listened for a while and it never quit. so, i went over to investigate and saw that there was a wire hanging down, hitting the fan blade and shooting sparks. panic!!!! not to bad though. i called the a/c guy and he told me how to disconnect all the power to the unit outside and how to fix it. so i was way to hard with molly. i called my dear friend, renee, and she came to my aid to play with molly. after sweating profusely, i thought i had it working. i taped the wires up and plugged the power in (aarrrggg, ahhhrrrgg - tim taylor grunts). it was quiet and sounded like it was running properly so i sent renee home. a while later i went out to see how it was looking, feeling pretty proud of my work, and discovered that it was running but the fan was not. i guess i won't be going into the HVAC service anytime soon.
next phone call to my dear daddy. i knew he'd know how to help. he graciously drove out to our house and worked away. fixed an hour later! turns out i didn't tape the wires correctly. he rigged it up better too so they won't fall down again. now, i'm sitting in the cool!
"in the cool" makes me laugh. i'm reminded of a pastor at my grandparents church who, after a funeral, during the family meal said several times, "at least we're in the cool."
okay back to the day. sorry for the brief walk down memory lane. after dad left molly and i played and then enjoyed a dinner of macaroni and cheese (remember, mine was horrible!). i finished the grocery list and went to the store (this was supposed to be done this afternoon -threw the evening out of whack). going to the store near bedtime and with an already tired baby is not fun. molly proceeded to cry several times throughout the store. i gave in and picked her up and carried her. i hate doing that because she wins and gets her way but what else am i to do in the grocery store? let her scream and cause a scene? we finished the shopping and molly got to the highlight of the shopping experience - getting her sucker. well, tonight she thought it would be funny to drop it on the floor several times. it broke and we threw it away. she reached for another but didn't get it. i'm sure the checker and sacker thought i was cruel but she must learn.
home sweet home and i'm putting away the groceries when i hear a spill. molly's taken the almost empty, mostly crumbs, cheerios bag out of the trash and spills the dust all over the floor. it was at that time i finished up and gave her a dose of tylenol, put her pjs on and gave her a bottle. she went right to sleep. poor girl was exhausted.
i was able to clean up very quickly and for that i'm thankful! now i'm relaxing and enjoying the quiet. good night dear readers!
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